Charging Infrastructure


Reliable and cost-effective charging infrastructure is essential for smooth operation of a battery-electric truck (BET) fleet. Continued technological improvements and an increasing number of heavy-duty truck charging infrastructure have helped electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) manufacturers and EVSE service providers refine their products and services to serve the industry more effectively. However, the heavy-duty truck charging industry is still emerging, and funding, planning, construction, and utility grid capacity can pose challenges to deploying EVSE at scale.

70 High-Powered Charging Dispensers Funded by the California Energy Commission

To charge Class 8 BETs, JETSI project partners will deploy: 

  • 35 total 350 kW charger cabinets with dual dispenser configuration (dual charging ports) for 70 total charging ports, in total at two fleet sites 
  • 1 MW of renewable electricity generated by onsite solar (NFI site) 
  • 5 MWh of on-site battery storage (NFI site) 

The cost of heavy-duty truck charging infrastructure remains high but grant funding is a source of economic support, such as with the JETSI project. Project timelines can be 18 months or more before a charging site is energized, and lead times for components can be a factor, which underscores the need to initiate project planning earlier, including coordination with the utility. Class 8 truck fleets require a significant amount of utility power capacity, and a load of 5-10 MW is not uncommon, so securing that capacity from the utility is an important part of the planning process. In addition, fleets should consider steps to support a strong power grid by planning around peak demand on the grid, as well as the addition of solar and battery storage to add resiliency, flexibility, and operational cost savings.

It all starts with a review of the fleet’s duty cycles and operating plan, as part of the charging infrastructure design process. In this section, the JETSI project’s EV charging infrastructure will be detailed to provide examples that can be considered before embarking on fleet electrification. Also see the FAQ section of this website for deeper exploration of charging and EVSE topics.

Charger Depot Overview and Specifications 

NFI, Supported by Electrify America

Electrify Commercial provides NFI with charger installation, charger network services, charger maintenance, and microgrid management.  

Depot Site: Land for this charging site is adjacent to NFI’s Ontario facility and was purchased by NFI as relatively unimproved land. It was razed to dirt and prepared for new construction. 

  • 140,000 square feet of paved surface 
  • 19 ultrafast 350kW dual dispenser chargers from Signet. All chargers utilize CCS1 connectors. 
  • EVSE software from Electrify America 
  • Site plan developed by Electrify America, Southern California Edison (SCE), and NFI 

Solar Systems/Energy Storage: At NFI, 1 MW of solar delivers energy used for charging and excess energy charges the 5 MWh of on-site battery storage. By drawing energy from battery storage, NFI can reduce its utility load during peak time-of-use energy prices from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Other benefits of storage are noted on this website. 

Schneider, Supported by Power Electronics and Black & Veatch

Construction and installation of Schneider’s charging equipment is jointly managed by SCE (from utility pole to breaker, including switchgear), Black & Veatch and Power Electronics, with the latter providing charger network and maintenance services.  

Depot Site: Land for this charging site is part of the facility which Schneider leases. It started as a gravel parking lot, then charging infrastructure was constructed by cutting trenches into the ground and installing equipment, and finally paving the area. 

  • 16 ultrafast 350 KW dual port chargers from Power Electronics. All chargers utilize CCS1 connectors. 
  • EVSE software from Power Electronics (PlaceToPlug software) 
    • Over-the-air software is projected to manage peak shaving to minimize strain on the grid during peak demand hours. 
  • Site plan developed by Power Electronics, Southern California Edison (SCE), and Schneider 

Solar Systems/Energy Storage: The Schneider depot does not utilize solar or storage, a choice made by analyzing the economic case, available space for hardware, and the fact that it is a leased facility. 

Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Charge Ready Transport Program

Both NFI and Schneider sites qualified for SCE’s Charge Ready Transport (CRT) Program. Through CRT, SCE is responsible for designing, procuring, installing, and maintaining charging infrastructure on the utility-side of the meter, up to the stubs for chargers, but not the chargers. Under the program, fleets are able to choose between options for more SCE construction services, or can manage much of the construction themselves.

  • At NFI, this work includes installing primary voltage service to the site. NFI then manages much of the infrastructure construction with incentive funding from SCE.
  • At Schneider, this work includes transformer and secondary service installation. The landlord’s approval was obtained to qualify for CRT. In this installation, SCE did more of the infrastructure construction because that is the option Schneider selected.